The power of siblings was on display at the recent 2012 Summer Olympics. Whether it was watching the Williams sisters or Bryan brothers in tennis, Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee from the UK in triathlon or the Hochshorner twins from Slovakia in canoe slalom, it was great to see the familial ties that led to the success of these athletes.
This sibling support extends to other occupations as well, even if brother and sister don’t work together directly. Dr. Frank Flores, a dermatologist based in Miramar, Florida, owns the South Florida Dermatology clinic. Recently Dr. Flores purchased Reaction™, the leading body contouring, cellulite reduction and skin tightening medical aesthetic device. He started working with his patients who were looking for a non-surgical approach to neck and jowl lifting, as well as ways to improve cellulite and achieve body contouring. “Over the years I have transitioned to a more non-surgical approach as technologies like Reaction have made it easier to accomplish very nice results and our patients are extremely happy with the results.”
Dr. Frank Flores’ twin brother, Dr. Javier Flores is also a dermatologist with his own clinic, Flores Dermatology, in Coral Gables, Florida. This has led to circumstances that greatly benefit both brothers. Dr. Frank Flores says “we constantly bounce ideas regarding new technologies – trust me if you can get two twins to agree that something is good, it probably is!” Dr. Frank recommended the Reaction™ device to his brother after seeing the results he was able to attain. “I wouldn’t recommend something that achieved a minimal difference for our patients. There are too many technologies out there, especially the non-ablative lasers, which in my opinion make very little difference in terms of cosmetic improvement.
With Reaction™, we are consistently getting a great lifting effect starting after only the second treatment.”
While the two brothers don’t share a clinic, it’s clear that with the family connection, there’s a vested interest in each other’s success. “He’ll call me in the middle of clinic with a great result or if something has popped up in the literature that’s exciting,” says Dr. Frank Flores. This collaboration is a great advantage in the competitive landscape of Florida dermatology.
Further north in Mt. Kisco, NY, Dr. Maria Briones is founder of the Dr. Briones Medical Weight Loss Center. While separated by several states from her sister, Dr. Berta Briones, owner of the Medical Rejuvenation Institute, based in Lakewood, Ohio, Dr. Maria Briones followed her sister’s recommendation to do a fellowship in anti-aging medicine.
Working with clients who have successfully dropped their excess weight, Dr. Maria Briones was looking for an effective non-invasive solution to help tighten the skin and deduct a few more circumferential centimeters. Together with her sister, she conducted a review of the various medical aesthetic devices on the market for body contouring. They determined that the Reaction™ device is one of the best, cost-effective solutions available, delivering better results for their patients.
These results have motivated both sisters to acquire the Reaction™ device for their practices. “Reaction™ has delivered great improvement in skin texture and body contouring and people have seen an amazing change after treatments,” Said Dr. Maria Briones.
While the benefits of exchanging work tips with a friendly relative is clear, this is not limited to blood brothers – the greater family of physicians utilizing Reaction™ worldwide benefits from the expertise accumulated and then distributed by Viora’s clinical trainers. This access to a sizable source of knowledge and experience is beneficial to all Reaction™ users and in the end, translates to improved results and greater satisfaction from patients.